Expert Art Talks (4) Abstract art an emotional exploration.1st. Phase

Date: April 24, 2013 at 7:00 PM

Dear All,

I have tried in vain to keep the classes to a reasonable amount of people, I am sure you will understand how hard it is to say”no” to something which is so pleasurable, and I have so many friends among you that I have decided to ask for some help.

If we split the group in two, each with a class of about ten people, twelve at a punch, we can all win.

The deal will be precisely the same but on a different day.

there are now 19 confirmed people attending the 26th with a waiting list.

If possible perhaps some of you would prefer to change to Wed 24th.

Please let me know if this works.


Thank you all for coming last night, in spite of my vowed intention not to have more than 12 people, we managed to squeeze more in.

Art as therapy is difficult because it asks us to explore our subconscious, what we create is judged, however objective and sympathetic its still about our feelings.

Those emotions which we sometime prefer to remain buried, is worth exploring … hope I was gentle with you on our first date?

There seem some confusion between art as therapy and art for art sake (art jamming) while both have a place, however what we explore here is  to find a better understanding of our emotional response to colour as mood, in addition we explore options… to find out more about ourselves.

Occasionally people fall back into what they know best, they conform to the norm and become illustrators.

Art as therapy in this context has no relevance, it becomes purely a repeat of what you already know, whereas the purpose of art as therapy to explore subconsciously usually what can’t be said in words.

All of us have issues which sometimes are best left in the cupboard. However those which we fear and explore most teaches us different values and perspectives…. they are certainly worth perusing, Expert Art Talk four ( 26 April ) is about abstract painting “no holds barred”.

Be aware that this is an therapy class, you will be asked to produce an abstract painting with help, please come dressed to paint.

Everything is supplied during the two hours session including a glass of wine for HK 200

Once again, we have over 100 members, there is only twelve places, so RSVP early.

I have held off writing about the works created last night simply because I need your permission for me to talk about what you may consider private…however I  am happy to post these with a brief explanation as did last night.

So let me know?

In the interim here are three paintings which are specific tonal region and deals with people who have emotional issues which are easier to paint  than to talk about.

Here is a brief description of each….the series is from a talk of  some time ago which was called “Even when the sun shines its can still be cold at night”


This paintings is about a man who trained as  a jockey, he sacrificed a large part of his life but never quite managed to ride professionally,  in consequence of his sacrifice, realizing that he would never achieve his goal  to justify his cause he started by  putting  on weight…this paining is about him and his beloved horse.

Painting number two is about rejection, the couple lived in Cyprus and were set to be married but one being Greek and the other Turkish, the war that followed separated them.

The man never saw the woman again

The painting is about that emotional separation……in his words.

“She took with her part of my heart”

The last painting depicts a person whose life is completely out of control….not know up from down or top from bottom, juxtaposed in limbo.

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